One of the greatest advantages of being a homeowner is that you are the sole decision-maker. You get to decide which repairs to call the experts and which ones to DIY. Maintenance and repairs can be costly, especially when professionals are involved. However, it is good to be realistic and make sound decisions. You may opt to handle all repairs to save on costs, but you might not possess the necessary tools, experience, or time to do the repair job safely and correctly. Any attempt to DIY exterior home repairs could result in additional expenses that exceed the cost of a professional. So, how do you know whether to DIY or call a professional when it comes to exterior repairs? Well, keep it here to find out what projects you should handle yourself and which ones to leave to the experts.
Factors To Consider When Dealing with Exterior Home Repairs
Hazardous Tasks
Consider the consequences of the repair job if it doesn’t work out or if you make a mistake. Some tasks are fatal and could end up risking your life and those of your loved ones. If the outcome could end up in a fatality, you need to get in touch with exterior home repair companies.
Skills And Experience
You can learn some skills on the internet and some require professional training. For example, paint jobs are commonly learned over the internet, and you can easily DIY. However, if the repair job requires specific certifications and a given level of experience, it is best left to the professionals to handle the job.
Permits And Licenses
Do you require a license or permit before you can handle the repair job? If so, you need to get in touch with a professional, as DIY tasks do not require any licenses. However, some repair jobs are regulated by local authorities and require them to adhere to specific procedures and meet given standards. Such cases should tell you that an expert is best to handle the repair job.
Property Risk
Think about how much money you spent building or buying your house. Perhaps you are still repaying the mortgage loan. If you choose to handle an exterior repair job, consider the level of risk that you are subjecting your property to. A small mistake could end up jeopardizing your entire property. If this is the case, consider searching for local exterior home repair companies near you to avoid any unwarranted expenses.
Time To Repair
Analyze the amount of time needed to repair. Exterior repair tasks can be time-consuming, and you need to sacrifice some time to get the job done. If you are not willing to dedicate time to do the job correctly, you had better leave it to the experts.
The Many Benefits of DIY Exterior Home Repairs
Cost-saving – a lot of home repairs can be fixed by watching ‘how-to’ videos online. Simple painting jobs or replacing a loose deck can save you the costs of hiring a professional and channel the funds to other commitments.
You Do It At Your Schedule – Doing your home repairs means you are working on your schedule without undue pressure to deliver timely results. You can therefore take your time to perfect the job
It Is Fun – DIY projects are usually fun as you are learning something new. You get to test your limits and learn exciting skills
The Many Benefits of Hiring a Professional For Exterior Home Repairs
Increased property value – a professional does the home repair job perfectly that it enhances the outdoor space. An outdoor space is beneficial to you if you ever choose to sell your home. Your resale value can go high with a well-done repair job.
Reduced Maintenance – hiring a professional is beneficial to you as you get first-hand expert advice on the best tools and materials to use for the repair job. A professional recommends the best products with little to low maintenance. For instance, if you had a problem with your roof, a residential roofer will analyze the root cause of the problem and advise you on roofing options that are not affected by the problem.
Improved Efficiency – a professional restores your home to its initial or better position than it was on and on time. You will be able to perform your home functions better and return to normalcy in no time.
Professionalism And Experience – hiring a professional ensures that you get the repair job done perfectly. Exterior home repair companies usually have a pool of professionals at your disposal to handle any repair jobs.
Exterior Repair Jobs: Call a Professional or DIY
Some of the exterior jobs require a professional, and some you can DIY. You need to distinguish the level of skill needed and the severity of the damage to rule out whether it is a DIY or a professional task.
Porch And Deck Repairs
Your porch is something you probably did yourself. You can therefore fix any repairs it might need. Loose deck boards or broken chairs are things you need to get a toolbox and get into fixing. However, there are some cases where the deck could affect the main house. If you experience any of the following signs, you need to contact exterior home repair companies to handle the job professionally.
If the deck is attached to the house, or you notice wood rot, you need to contact a professional to examine and diagnose the problem. Some may be structural problems that need a contractor to give an expert opinion.
Cracks and crumbles. If you notice any cracks in your deck, it is best to leave it to the professionals. Sealing the cracks yourself could interfere with the structural integrity of the house and cause additional problems.
Security Lights
Every home enjoys a well-lit area for security and gives the exterior of the house a sleek look at night. If you notice that some of your security lights are not working, you can easily check and figure out whether it is simply a bulb change. You only need to replace the bulbs, and you are good to go. However, if the case requires cabling, changing electrical wires, and any other activities that you are not qualified for, you need to enlist professional electrical services.
Painting The Exterior Of Your Home
Although you can easily paint yourself from DIY videos, this is a job best suited for your interior painting. Exterior painting requires extensive use of ladders and sometimes roof climbing. If you are scared of heights or easily get anxious, this job should be left to professional painters. You can find painters from your local exterior home repair companies. You need to take safety precautions, especially at such high levels as one wrong move could lead to a fatality. It is recommended you hire a professional with experience and the required equipment.
Replacing Roof Shingles
Depending on the extent of damage, roof shingles are something you can easily repair by simply fastening them with nails or adhesive. However, if the damage requires replacing roof shingles, you need to call an experienced roof contractor to do the job. Sometimes roof shingles are damaged by the weather, and a roofing contractor can recommend weather-friendly shingles to prevent them from getting damaged easily. Additionally, roof shingles require you to access the roof at a significant height, so if you are scared of heights, leave it to the experts from the exterior home repair companies in your area.
Door And Window Repairs
Doors and windows require regular caulking and painting. For easier operation and to keep your home airtight, you need to address repair issues on time. If you notice any signs of decay on your windows or doors, you need to call a professional. A home window service can renew rotted areas and prevent further damage to your doors and windows. Window cracks could also be a job for the experts if you do not know how to repair them. However, any loose hinges or creaking doors can easily be DIY jobs as you don’t need any technical expertise to lubricate or screw in hinges.
Sewer Cleaning
All drainage connections from your house run to a central place outside your home. The sewer system is where all the waste drains and later connected to the municipal sewer system for water recycling processes. Although it is a waste system, it requires regular cleaning to keep your compound’s air quality fresh and lockout terrible odors. The sewer system also prevents contamination of your compound. A sewer due for sewer cleaning will show signs of slow drains, strange noises, and bad smells. Depending on your state, your local government outlines the safety and sanitary standards required for sewer connections. Such procedures require either a licensed plumber from one of the exterior home repair companies in your area to undertake the cleaning. Do not engage in cleaning the sewer yourself, especially if you are not aware of the sanitary standards you need to uphold. You could end up putting your family’s health in danger through pollution.
Cleaning Gutters
Clogged or damaged gutters are a risk to both your interior and exterior home. Water can leak into your house and sip into walls causing mold or rot issues. You can do regular maintenance by cleaning gutters and removing debris. Still, if the damage is extensive, you need to contact home exterior repair companies to send one of their professionals over. If your house is a single-story home and you are comfortable around ladders, this can easily be a DIY repair job.
Cutting Trees
You may want to create some space in your backyard for either a garage or a patio. Whatever the case, if you have trees in your garden and you want to get rid of them, this is not a DIY task. Apart from requiring permission in several states, tree cutting requires that you follow tree-cutting procedures to the letter. First, you need to establish where the tree will fall lest it falls on your house and damages your property. Then, a professional from one of the local exterior home repair companies can be assigned to come in and do stump grinding to clear the tree remains. Only a trained professional can operate a stump grinder, so you need to check for tree services near you and let them handle the task.
Garage Repairs
Your garage is an important area in your exterior home, so you need to take any garage-related repairs seriously. If your garage door is giving you problems, seek garage door services from your local exterior home repair companies. You do not want to risk fixing the door and it gets stuck or loosens when you are trying to park your car! Leave all risky tasks to the professionals to avoid causing damage to your valuables.
Apart from causing damage, pests can be a nuisance. They can get into your outdoor garden and damage any plants or flowers you have. Although you can apply pest control treatments to get rid of them, some pesticides should be handled with care to protect you and your garden. Some contain poisonous fumes such that when inhaled, they can lead to a fatality. If you do not know how to use pesticides, it is best to call a professional to do any fumigation and pest control for safety purposes.
DIY exterior home repairs can be a fun way to learn new skills and develop a hobby. However, consider the consequences before undertaking a repair task. You will find out that seeking professional repair services adds value to your home, which is a win-win situation for you. Be realistic on what you can do and seek help where you do not have enough experience, adequate skills, or tools to handle the repair job