4 Benefits of Induction Lighting

Induction lighting is an incredible lighting technology that has been around for more than a hundred years. It is now being used widely to light up the streets, roads, and in making induction parking lot lights. In North American cities looking to “go green,” induction lighting has proven to be a sustainable method of illumination, and this has made it even more popular.

Induction lamps are surprisingly similar to fluorescent lights, but function quite differently. These bulbs have mercury in a gas fill, which becomes excited when the bulb is connected to electricity. The gas emits ultraviolet rays that are, in turn, converted to visible rays of white light by the bulb’s phosphoric coating.

Fluorescent lamps have electrodes that strike the arc and initiate the flow of electric current. Each time the circuit is completed, the wires get more and more degraded. This implies that with time, these lamps tend to flicker and fail, making induction lighting a better option.

These are some of the advantages induction lighting has over traditional bulbs.

1. They Have a Longer Lamp Life

Induction lighting doesn’t depend on electrodes, and this eliminates wire connections between the lamp and its driver. Most wear and tear in bulbs occur at this point; thus, its absence implies your lights will last much longer. In fact, induction bulbs are rated at having a lifespan of 100, 000 hours.

This is roughly fifty times longer than the lamp life of incandescent light bulbs, and ten times longer than gas lamps. Choosing induction lighting will help you save costs since it will keep you from having to keep changing the bulbs.

2. They are Energy-Efficient

Induction lighting uses up about half of the energy required to run many other lighting systems. Induction lamps also have a 99% energy-conversion rate, implying that almost all energy is converted to light, and only a negligible amount lost in the form of heat. This makes induction lighting a more environmentally-sustainable option than traditional bulbs.

Due to its energy efficiency, induction lighting tends to light up your building at a lower cost than incandescent light bulbs. This is because “normal” light bulbs convert electrical energy to light energy and a lot of heating energy, implying a lot of energy is wasted.

3. Induction Lighting Offers Better Lighting

Fluorescent lamps tend to light up a room more effectively than traditional light bulbs. This is because they distribute light using a multi-point design system, providing an even foot candle. Induction lamps are also available in a wide range of color temperatures, making it possible for you to increase the perception of brightness in the room, something that incandescent bulbs can’t offer.

These bulbs don’t flicker or glare, and this makes it easier for you to read and work in a room with such lighting without damaging your eyes.

4. They Have Better Lamp Performance

One benefit of induction lighting is that the bulb comes on immediately you flip the switch, meaning you don’t have to wait for it to turn on, making them suitable for tunnel and roadway lighting. These lamps can also operate at low temperatures, and since they are entirely sealed, light output doesn’t decrease over time.

These factors make induction light bulbs a better performing option than incandescent lights.

Induction Lighting and What it Means for Your Business and Home

Induction lamps can be used for as long as 22 years if they are used for 12 hours each day. This implies that they don’t have to be changed often, meaning less waste and pollution is created from maintaining and replacing induction lamps. This will help you reduce your carbon footprint and do the little good you can for the environment.

Induction lighting has higher efficacy than most lighting options, sometimes more than 65 lumens per watt. They also give off better and brighter light than incandescent bulbs, you won’t have to put many of them up. They also draw much less power than traditional light bulbs, meaning you will reduce your house or firm lighting budget. This could drive your business towards making more profit since it reduces your overhead costs.

Induction lighting is the lighting option we need to reduce costs and help us work towards environmental conservation.

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