EVS cleaning refers to Environmental Services type of cleaning. This is cleaning that is better for the environment. If you run an EVS cleaning company, chances are that you care about the environment and about the equipment you use to clean with. Any EVS cleaning company worth its money should take great pride in the products they use to clean with.
In this video, one worker explains the products he keeps in his EVS cleaning company cart for healthcare cleaning.
A strong cleaner is an obvious must, one that is all-purpose and human-safe. This cleaner should be used on anything food is cooked or sits on, and should not contain bleach. However, almost all of your other products should contain bleach. Whether it is toilet cleaner or floor cleaner, healthcare is a sickly field. You want to make sure you’re getting rid of all of the bacteria possible so that no one is catching an illness that a patient had.
You should also keep multiple packs of gloves in your cart, to keep your skin safe from the cleaning products. This will also keep it safe from any germs or bacteria on the surfaces you’re cleaning.