If you’re considering adding a new bathroom to your home, you’ve come to the right place. We’re going to walk you through everything from the cost and expertise needed, to the steps you need to take to have a new bathroom ready either for yourself or your guests.
Before we get started, let’s make sure we’re talking about the same thing.
A bathroom is a room where people go when they want privacy. That means it’s not just for taking a shower or getting ready. You may use this space as a place to relax alone or with friends and family, but it also serves as an area where people can get clean before leaving the house and/or after coming in from outside.
Adding a new bathroom to your home can be a complex process, but it’s also an exciting project that may help increase the value of your home. If you’re considering adding a new bathroom to your existing house, this article will provide some tips for how to go about it and what you should consider when planning the space.
Steps To Adding a New Bathroom to Your Home
1. Check to See if You Have Any Building Restrictions
Before adding a new bathroom to your home, it is important that you first ensure there are no building restrictions. If you’re not sure, it’s a good idea to check with your local zoning and building office. They may have some restrictions on what kind of bathroom you can have. For example, some cities have banned toilets in every room, while others will only allow them in the most private areas (like bedrooms).
In addition to checking with your local zoning and building office, it pays to check with your local planning department as well. This department will help you understand how much space is available at different heights above ground level and how much privacy each one provides from others around so that when designing your new bathroom space, you know exactly where everything needs to go.
2. Create a Vision For Your Bathroom
Before you begin any remodeling, it’s important to create an accurate 3D model of the space. You can do this by drawing out your floor plan and then adding doors and walls where necessary or by using an interior design or rendering program like SketchUp or Google SketchUp Pro.
The latter option is preferable because it allows you to add hardware items like faucets and windows, which will make life easier when the time comes to install fixtures later on down the line.
However, if you’d like to leave this to the professionals, you can call in an interior design company to get this step of the project done for you.
3. Know Your Budget
Estimate how much you can afford to spend on a new bathroom. As with any other home improvement project, be realistic about what it will cost. You may think that the biggest expense is going to be buying a new bathtub or sink. But in reality, those are just small parts of the overall project.
Instead of looking at the remodeling project as one big expense, break down each piece and see how much each can cost individually:
Bathtub: $2,000-$5,000
Sink: $100-$200 (if required)
Faucet(s): $50-$200 (if required)
Doing this will give you a clearer picture of what you’d be spending money on and if your budget can accommodate this. It is also important you note that the overall cost of your project might vary depending on the contractor you contact and the cost of their services. So, be sure to get quotations from several contractors before settling on one.
4. Find the Current Main Stacks and Drain Lines
The first thing you want to do is locate the main stacks (or sub-drain lines, as they are sometimes called). These are the pipes that lead from one part of your home’s plumbing system to another. In most cases, these will be located in an area above your floorboards.
You can find them around the toilet area. On your floor plan, identify where the toilet is located and see if it shares any walls with other rooms or bathrooms. If so, there might be a stack that runs under it, this is where you’d look for it. In a case where there are multiple toilets, one may be located at another end of the house rather than others but still connected by pipes running throughout their entirety. Make sure all nearby toilets share this connection before moving forward with repairs because otherwise, you’ll need new ones installed after replacing any damaged sections inside those fixtures’ walls.
If you’re unsure how this works, you can always contact the local plumbers for clarification.
5. Choose Your Fixtures, Finishes, and Features
Choosing fixtures, finishes, and features is a vital part of the bathroom remodeling process. A large marble bathtub will last longer than a small one, but it’s always better to choose something that you’ll get excited about for years to come than something that will just hang around until you eventually sell your home.
You also need to consider how much space a new bathroom will require and whether or not it’s worth paying extra for an expansive walk-in shower versus other options like an enclosed tub or separate shower stall. Or even a walk-in closet in your bathroom. Here, you need to be sure that the closet design aligns with the design that you would settle with for your bathroom.
Finally, consider what kind of lighting would work best in the room; if there isn’t enough natural light coming into your new space because its windows are too high up off the floor (or even farther away), consider adding LED track lighting overhead instead.
Essentially, it is at this point that you decide what key features you’ll like to add to your bathroom. If you’d like mirrors in your bathroom, it is best to contact a glass company for advice and guidance on what style would fit the fixtures and finishes of your bathroom. You’ll also want to make provision for carpet cleaning companies if you plan on installing one in your new bathroom.
6. Create a Detailed List of Supplies and Materials Needed for the Project
Before plunging right into adding a new bathroom to your home, be sure to have all the supplies and materials that you need at hand. This will help ensure that you don’t run out of anything which can lead to delays in completing your project.
Typically, you’d need a hammer, nails, tape measure (or ruler), pencils/pens/chalkboard markers, and so on for this project. In terms of contractors, plumbers, carpenters, concrete contractors, and electricians (if necessary) are your best guys.
Here, it’s more advisable that you hire local contractors, including local plumbers, as this can go a long way in speeding up your project process.
It is also important that you list permits required by law before beginning any remodeling project, including asbestos removal and gas venting regulations as well as building codes inspectors who could be present during construction activity.
7. Find a Reputable Interior Design Firm
Here, you’ll want to look for a design firm that has experience working with clients and contractors similar to you. And also experience working with local building codes and inspectors that your project would entail (this is particularly important if your project involves making major structural changes).
8. Pick up Some DIY Skills at a Local Home Improvement Store
DIY is the next best thing. This is because it reduces the cost of home improvement. With DIY, you can provide your own labor.
If you’re planning to add a new bathroom to your home by yourself, ensure you learn how to use basic tools, and make necessary modifications like changing faulty faucets, disconnecting the water, installing tiles, lights, fans, grab bars, new shower doors, and so on. You may also need to invest in some new tools where necessary. It’s best you get these from a store that specializes in home improvement. The employees at these stores are usually experts in their brands of tools and have lots of experience using them. They’ll also be able to help you choose the right one for your needs (and budget).
What’s a new bathroom without a beautiful frame? Remember that your DIY project isn’t complete without some artwork. You could also lay a non-slip rug on the floor to avoid slipping and falling after a bath. In addition, shower curtains help to add a dramatic flair and vertical emphasis to a new bathroom.
9. Hire a Licensed Plumber and Electrical Contractor
You will need to hire a licensed plumber and electrical contractor. This is because there are many different types of plumbing and electrical work involved in adding a new bathroom, so you can’t just pick up any old person off the street.
You’ll want to find references from other homeowners who have had their bathrooms renovated by the same people you’re considering hiring. If this isn’t possible (for example, if they don’t have any friends), then look online for reviews about these contractors or ask around at local home improvement stores where they might be located in your area.
10. Contact a General Contractor
If you are looking to add a new bathroom to your home, you should definitely consider a general contractor who can help you save time and money in the process. A general contractor is someone who specializes in all aspects of home construction, including plumbing, electrical wiring, and repairing existing homes. They should be able to provide an estimate for the project so that they know exactly how much it will cost before doing any work on your home.
General contractors can also help find qualified people who will make your dream possible. They could connect you with a hot water heater repair company, or closet and garage companies if you need one.
General contractors know exactly what they need when it comes time for them (or their clients) to try out those services later down the road. You can also count on them to help you out with a dumpster rental for all of the trash that would be generated during the remodeling process.
11. Save Money on Supplies and Materials by Shopping Around
You can save money on supplies and materials by shopping around. Don’t be afraid to ask for a discount or negotiate your price with the supplier you’re working with. If someone comes back with an offer that seems too good, check out their competitors before making a decision. You may be surprised by how much better those other companies’ prices are!
Adding a new bathroom to your home can be a complex process, but it’s also an exciting project that may help increase the value of your home. If you know what to expect, the process will be smooth and hassle-free.
Here are common mistakes to avoid when remodeling your bathroom:
1. Working Without a Clearly Defined Layout Plan
To remodel your bathroom, it is important to have and follow a layout plan. This will act as a compass to both give you a sense of direction and show you where you need to go. A layout plan is a visual map that shows you the different sections of your dream bathroom and areas that need the most work or is the best fit for certain appliances.
2. Using Inappropriate Appliances or Materials
When remodeling, you should consider choosing the best materials for your dream bathroom. From floors, walls, and countertops to even curtains, such materials should make maintenance as easy as possible, aid ventilation, and prevent mildew growth.
3. Overcramming
No matter how large your new bathroom is, putting in too many fixtures or appliances is not advisable. Never forget this golden rule – less is more when done appropriately. Remember that you’ll also need space to move around.
4. Poor Drainage/Ventilation
To ensure a functional bathroom, you must have proper drainage. In addition to good drainage, you should also confirm that you have good ventilation as this will prevent the growth of mold.
5. Not Seeking Professional Counsel
I love DIY and I enjoy doing it but let’s be real – you also need to seek the counsel of a professional to scale through and give you guidelines where necessary. So, don’t fail to ask questions if you run into any bottlenecks.
Parting Thoughts
After all of this research, you’re probably feeling pretty confident about your bathroom. You know what you want and how to get there. If a renovation sounds like it might be overwhelming for now, taking a step back to reconsider your decision is okay. Also, If you’re just curious about the process of adding a new bathroom to your home, then I’m sure you enjoyed reading this article.