Are you currently in the process of designing a new landscaping project? Are you overwhelmed at the number of options you have when it comes to landscaping materials? Because landscaping includes a variety of outdoor projects, there are many landscaping material choices to choose from. Understanding the differences between each material can help you choose the best one for your project.
Landscaping rocks
Landscaping rocks are probably the most common type of landscaping materials used. It is cost efficient, easy to transport, and looks nice. There are also many uses for landscaping rocks. According to a 2017 Houzz Landscape Trends study, approximately 38% of homeowners upgrading their pathways, driveways, patios, and terraces are using gravel or crushed rock. Driveways and walkways, however, are just one of the uses for landscaping rocks. You can also use them around fire pits, in flower bedding, and on construction sites. Learning more about the different uses for landscaping rocks can give you additional ideas for your outdoor landscaping project.
Dirt or gravel
Dirt is another common landscaping choice. Dirt is either extremely cheap or free. It can also be easily maintained by simply adding additional dirt to the landscaped area. While dirt might not be ideal for upscale landscaping projects, different types of topsoil are a good option for improving the look of your flowerbeds or to cover up an existing landscaping problem. For example, if you are currently removing concrete from an exterior location, you can be left with crushed concrete debris. While you are working on full concrete removal, use dirt to fill in the cracked spaces. There are also combinations of dirt and gravel that tend to look a little nicer. River rock is a popular type of smooth gravel. It is usually one to two inches in diameter.
Landscaping bricks
Landscaping bricks are a more expensive option but are commonly used in new builds. If you have ever walked into a new park, you probably noticed that the ground was made out of designed brick or pavement. The carefully drilled designs add a level of curb appeal to the project. It is a great option for building a new house or adding detail to a current exterior project. While a properly installed crushed gravel driveway can last three to five or even 10 years with regular upkeep and maintenance, brick can last even longer than that. Although you might pay more for brick installation and maintenance, you won?t have to repair or change it out as soon.
Landscaping mulch
Landscaping mulch was once used in the lowest budget for landscaping projects. However, mulch has been designed with added colors and styles for an increased curb appeal. You can go with different levels of mulch and add a pop of color to your property. It is no longer considered a cheap option that you should avoid. If the uses for landscaping rocks do not cover your intended project, consider using a colored landscaping mulch product instead. You can schedule the same type of topsoil deliver for landscaping mulch as you can other products, like bricks or gravel.
One of the first decisions you will usually make when designing a landscaping project is the type of gravel or rock you will use. There are many landscaping materials to choose from and the specific one you choose will depend on your desired outcome of the project. Different materials add a different level of design and curb appeal to the project. Understand the different uses, how expensive they are, and what type of final product they give you.