When it comes to lawn care and maintenance, it has gotten a bit of a bad reputation in regard to its overall environmental impact. From consuming large amounts of water to risking native ecosystems with excessive fertilizer and pesticides, there is growing concern about the impact lawn care has on the environment. Thankfully new changes and innovations are making it easier to get a beautiful lawn and still be eco-friendly.
Many homeowners are making the switch to organic fertilizers and other safer alternatives to pest and weed control in their lawns. Today, many of the best lawn care practices focus on conserving water and protecting local environments and wildlife populations, and water supplies. Working with a lawn care expert who is up to date with the best lawn care setup and tools can help make it even easier to get the lawn of your dreams.
These professionals will know the best lawn practices for your area and for your lawn type. They will help determine the best way to treat your lawn and keep it looking great without excessive harm to the local environment. It is a win-win situation.

Since you want your home to be surrounded with beautiful landscaping, such as a naturally healthy lawn, it’s important to use organic lawn care services. When you use these services to maintain your landscaping, you are making a positive contribution to the well-being of you, your family, and the entire neighborhood.
The Benefits of Turfgrass
Were you aware that turfgrass can help control pollution? Due to its ability to trap dust and dirt, turfgrass prevents these substances from being released into the atmosphere. It is estimated that this type of grass traps a considerable amount of the 12 million tons of dust and dirt that is released every year in the United States.
When you have a dense, healthy lawn, it also prevents run-off during rainfall. It has been found to be 6 times more absorbent than a wheat field and 4 times more absorbent than a hay field.
Front lawns can also have a cooling effect on an entire neighborhood. If just 8 average houses have front lawns, it is the equivalent of 70 tons of air conditioning. When considering that a single home’s central air system just has a 3 to 4 ton capacity, this can make a considerable difference in the neighborhood’s temperature.
Tips for Promoting a Healthy Lawn
If you want to have a naturally healthy lawn, using organic lawn care products is essential. When you also allow your lawn to grow longer, its health can also be improved.. A recommended length is between 1-1/2 to 3-1/2 inches.
Furthermore, if you’re thinking about selling your home, a well-maintained landscape can make a difference in the price. When you have turfgrass as part of your landscaping, it can increase your home’s property value by 15% to 20%.
The Benefits of Organic Lawn Care
Environmentally responsible lawn care services don’t use traditional pesticides or herbicides. The reason for this is because these substances are known to have an adverse effect on ground and surface water as well as wildlife. It is estimated that 70 million pounds of herbicides and pesticides are used on lawns every year, however.
Around 40% to 60% of the nitrogen in fertilizer runs off or leaches away. This chemical is then introduced to ground, surface, and well water. As a result, these water sources are filled with toxic substances.
Every year, between 60 to 70 million birds die as a result of pesticide poisoning in the United States. Furthermore, the Virginia Cooperative Extension’s “Nutrient Management for Lawn Service Companies,” indicates that earthworms also die as a result of the fungicides and pesticides that are dispersed within their environment. It is believed that between 60% to 90% or more earthworms die as a result of coming into contact with these toxic chemicals.
When you make a conscious decision to use environmentally responsible lawn care services, you may discover that your neighbors are encouraged to do so as well. This will, of course, improve the quality and health of your neighborhood.