The end of month finally comes and it is time to pay your bills. You are expecting the usual easy-to-pay bill when all of a sudden the bill is hundreds of dollars more than usual. How could that be? Your water usage has not changed. You might have a leak that needs professional sewer repair or maybe your water heater is going bad.
Does this sound more in line with your bill? The water and sewer bill usually runs around $40 a month in the average home residing in the United States, equating to about $500 a year. That is not too bad, but hold on! Simply switching up water usage habits and finding the right plumber to fix your fixtures could actually save you money, as much as $170 in every average home residing in the United States. That is nearly a third of the cost cut.
The average American does not realize how much a single, constant drip from your faucet of pipe can add up. In fact, 10 percent of homes residing in the United States with leaks, are actually wasting 90 gallons of water every single day. This collective leaking ends up wasting an estimated 1 trillion gallons of water annually.
What You Can Do To Help
The first step is hiring plumbing services for professional sewer repair, or even underslab repair. This is ensure that leaks are fixed and at least prevent further leaks in the future. If you know for sure you do not have leaks, it is never a bad idea to have a checkup anyways. Maybe you do not have a leak now, but might end up with one later.
The next step is to have a professional do a diagnostic on your current appliances. How is your water heater? What about your toilets? Americans have increased their water usage by a whopping 200 percent just in 50 years, from 1950 to the end of 2000. Installing water-efficient appliances will not only improve your bill in the long run, but lower the amount of water that gets wasted. In fact, 3 trillion gallons of water could be saved every year by switching. Depending on your location and the manufacturer, if your water heater is pushing anywhere between 8 to 12 years old, then it might be time to replace it.