Every home has its share of leaks and drips. Home generators, water heaters and electric systems need maintenance and repairs. Proper maintenance by an expert professional could save a lot of money each year. By fixing leaks, keeping generators, water heaters and air conditioning systems running efficiently and adding better insulation to roofs and attics, you can improve the comfort and value of your home, keeping warm while saving on heating costs. Maintaining your home systems actually costs less than having to repair or replace them. For all home systems maintenance, from generator installation to leaking taps, home repair experts can keep your home running smoothly and comfortably.
Air conditioning
About two-thirds of all American homes have air conditioners. Taken altogether, air conditioners account for about 5% of all the electricity usage in the U.S. This costs homeowners over $11 billion each year. It is possible for homeowners to reduce air conditioning bills 20% to 50% by installing new high-efficiency air conditioners. Installing energy efficient drapes can also keep the home cooler and reduce energy costs.
HVAC systems
HVAC systems need regular maintenance to work efficiently. Blockages and dirty filters which cause airflow problems can reduce the efficiency of an HVAC system by as much as 15%. Changing air filters every month can lower heating and cooling bills. The filter should be changed every three months at the minimum. The efficiency of an HVAC system can also be improved by as much as 20% by adding insulation to ducts.
Electrical system and generator preventative maintenance
Home electrical systems should be routinely inspected and maintained by professionals for safety. Data from the Electrical Safety Foundation International shows that faulty home electrical systems cause nearly 55,000 fires a year, leading to over 500 deaths and 1,400 injuries. Property damage from electrical fires is estimated to be $1.4 billion each year. Routine inspection could prevent many of these fires.
For many people, generator installation provides back up electricity in case of a power outage. Residential generators should be inspected and serviced regularly to ensure that they will function in an emergency.
Water leaks and drips
Leaky taps and drips waste more than 10,000 gallons of water in an average household every year. By fixing simple household water leaks, homeowners can reduce their water bills by about 10%.
Tips to reduce your heating costs
Almost half or about 48% of all energy use in a typical American home is due to heating and cooling systems. For most homes, it is the biggest energy expense. But there are ways to reduce energy costs. Adding insulation to the walls and roof, using drapes that will hold in heat and cold in the appropriate season, and keeping your heating and cooling systems in good functioning condition can all reduce your energy costs.
A simple step like using a programmable thermostat and use of pre-programmed settings can save around $180 in energy bills every year. For most people, the balance between comfort and saving energy costs works out by maintaining daytime temperatures at 68 to 70 degrees and nighttime temperatures from 65 to 68 degrees. If you’re traveling in the winter, you can turn the heating down to 60 degrees. The heating should not be turned off altogether or there is a risk of the pipes freezing and causing a lot of damage if they burst.
Be prepared for emergencies with electric generators
There are many different types of generators and an expert should be able to advise on the best one for your home. Generator services provide back up power if the area loses power in a storm. Snow, wind and heavy rain can all affect the power supply and generator installation protects your home and all your valuable electronic devices from harm in case of an outage.
Generator installation should always be done by an expert professional, who is qualified to maintain and service them as well.