How Safe Is the Your Family’s Drinking Water?

Well contractors santa barbara

This second full week in September when most parents are enjoying the fact that their children have returned to school, groups of parents in Flint, Michigan, continue to worry about the unsafe levels of lead int he water that their children are exposed to in the schools that they attend. Even though the federal emergency has been lifted, many parents still fear that the water their children are exposed to is not as safe as it should be.
Additionally, while this second week in September finds Louisiana and Florida residents dealing with unusual amounts of rain in the last few weeks, many California residents still struggle with the drought that has plagued their part of the country for months.
It seems that even when water issues seem to be going better in some parts of the country, the necessity for water well services in other parts of the nation continue to be a concern. Well specialists from California and other locations often seem to be one of the only reliable resources for the water that some home and land owners have.
Can Water Well Services Help You Feel Safer about the Water That Your Family Uses?
In many parts of the country residential well drilling services provide their customers with a comfort that is not found with consumers who must rely on aging city water pipes. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CD), over 15 million American households rely on private, household wells for their drinking water. The safety of this water, of course, remains a concern these Americans. Using water well services to drill, monitor, and test this water can provide a comfort to the home and land owners and their families.
Even though private water systems that serve fewer than 25 people for at least 60 days of the year and have no more than 15 service connections are not regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This does not mean, however, that these small well users are not concerned about the safety of the water that they consume and use on a daily basis.
Currently, groundwater makes up 79.6 billion gallons of the 349 billion gallons of the total amount Americans use every day. This means that approximately 26% of the this total comes from a groundwater source. And while the 1974?s Safe Drinking Water Act requires the EPA to set standards for drinking water quality that the 150,000 public water entities across the country supply, many private well users monitor the safety of their own drinking water. Water well services providers can often best help private individuals monitor and test the water that they use.
Did you know that Americans use 79.6 billion gallons of groundwater every single day? This is the equivalent of 2,923 12-ounce cans for every single person in the country. For this reason, many politicians, environmentalists, and private citizens continue to ask for increased monitoring of the this valuable resource. And while groundwater may seem like a safe and reliable source for drinking water, the reality is that fertilizer run off and other contaminants threaten this water source.
The fact that nearly 25% of all U.S. rainfall becomes groundwater also indicates that we need to also be concerned about potential air pollutants that can taint the rainfall that eventually becomes a water drinking source for all of us.
Scientists and Researchers Continue to Work on Water Purification Methods
Interestingly enough, when environmentalists and engineers create individual water purification systems for people who live in third world countries, they may actually be discovering methods that Americans will some day need to use. A water crisis like the Flint, Michigan, dangerous lead levels go a long way toward indicating the damage that can occur to this nation’s water sources if we are not careful. A failing and aging infrastructure was responsible for the problems in Flint, and experts have warned Americans that these problems are not unique to one area in one city. They can also happen, and have happened, in locations around the states. Few cities have, in fact, done a better job of updating the aging water pipes that most Americans rely on.
When was the last time that you tested your family’s drinking water?
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