No one wants to have their water heater fail, especially not in the middle of the winter. Whether it’s a tankless water heater or some other kind of heater, you need to make sure that you’re not likely to end up with a failed water heater at a time when it’s going to be the most inconvenient for you. To do this, you can call a professional to do regular inspections to check for signs of trouble. These include seeing a blinking light on the water heater or realizing that the electric water heater keeps turning off.
The inconvenience and danger that you risk having to deal with when you get a damaged water heater are things that you can control if you choose to. One of the ways to do this is to hire a professional who does a free water heater inspection with certain services or at given points in time. They may make it possible for you to keep your water heater running even if it’s been damaged since they’ll know how to repair it. If they find the water heater to be too old or damaged beyond reasonable repair, they may suggest replacing the water heater, a solution that you should consider.
A water heater is an appliance that heats the water required by your home’s water fixtures and appliances. Water heaters come in all shapes and sizes, but they are typically classified according to the water tank capacity. Water heater service is important, and you should always have a professional inspect and maintain your water heater at least once a year.
A 50-gallon water heater installed in your home by a certified plumber is the perfect way to ensure you have hot water in all of your home’s fixtures and appliances. If you are in the market for a new water heater, or if your current water heater needs replacement, you should keep several things in mind when choosing a water heater.
First, you need to choose the right size water heater. The 65-gallon water tank near me looks enormous and takes up much space, but it is the perfect size to ensure you never run out of hot water. If you have a large family, unless you have a big household, a 50-gallon water heater might be more affordable and be able to provide hot water for your home’s needs. A 50-gallon gas water heater is the perfect choice for affordable water heater installation.
Winter is the worst time of year for homeowners to experience a water heater issue, but unfortunately, it’s quite common. There are many causes of water heater problems during the winter — dropping temperatures can often combine with lack of maintenance or general wear and tear to create a problem that’s not easy to solve without enlisting the help of professional residential plumbing services. But informing yourself of the potential issues is the best first step. With that in mind, here are just a few of the most common winter water heater problems and how to solve them.
Buildup of Sediment
Buildup of sediment can be an issue at any time of the year, but during the winter, it’s more likely to cause problems, particularly when it comes to the temperature of your hot water. During the winter, your water heater has to work harder to achieve the same temperatures, and experts say the temperature of the water entering your home may drop as much as 25 degrees. The sediment buildup essentially sucks the heat right out of the water that your heater just finished heating, reducing the temperature of the final output.
High Temperature
It may sound surprising, but sometimes, high temperatures can cause water heater issues during the winter. Some people experience lower water temperatures during the winter, so they take it upon themselves to compensate by turning up the temperature of their entire water heater system. But temperatures higher than 120 degrees can cause the electrodes to deteriorate and scales to fall back into the water. This causes the water to turn more acidic, which will eat away at the protective layer over time. Only an experienced plumbing contractor can diagnose and solve this complicated issue, but the key to preventing it is to keep your water heater at a moderate temperature.
Lack of Insulation
Finally, the lack of insulation of some water heaters may cause the temperatures to drop. If you’re struggling with tepid water, talk to plumbing companies to explore your options.
Indoor plumbing dates back to at least 2500 B.C., and it’s vital to take proper care of your home’s plumbing systems during the winter. Hiring a plumber to perform a water heater assessment or a sewer line inspection can ensure proper system functioning all winter long.