Many Americans spend their summers on the deck, barbequing in the summer heat. Most barbeques work off of propane. The propane is relatively cheap and easy to use, making it a popular grilling choice. The propane also allows the barbeque to get hot enough to quickly cook many of the summer?s popular meats. An often overlooked fact is that propane gases can also be used to heat the home and any fireplaces within the home. Propane fueled fireplaces are more cost efficient, can be safer, and are easy to store inventory for.
Many homeowners choose propane fueled fireplaces for heat during the cold winter months, because of the cost savings. A homeowner who has to consistently run the furnace during a long, cold winter, can see their energy bills increase as much as hundreds of dollars a month. However, the cost efficient fuel of a propane fueled fireplace remains the same price.
Another one of the important benefits for residential propane customers is that propane gas products are easily accessible. Most convenience stores and corner stores sell propane. The propane products may even be cheaper during the winter months, when the demand is less. Some may choose to store multiple propane tanks to ensure that they always have enough and that they never run out. However, it is important to note that all propane products should be stored outside of the home.
Propane gases may also be safer than traditional heating methods, such as furnace heating. Propane exists as a liquid and a gas. At atmospheric pressure and temperatures above 44F, it is a non toxic, colorless and odorless gas. Just as with natural gas, an identifying odor is added so it can be readily detected. Many homeowners enjoy the added odor, always knowing if there is a problem or not.
The usage of propane for heating sources is becoming more popular. Approximately 90% of the United States? propane supply is produced domestically, while 70% of the remaining supply is imported from Canada and Mexico. Approximately equal amounts of propane come from the refining of crude oil and from natural gas processing. Thus, propane is a readily available, secure energy source whose environmental benefits are widely recognized.
In addition to the benefit of heating your home with propane, propane provides many other uses. Cooking with gas from propane is a possibility inside of the home, just as it is outside of the home on the barbeque. There are also many other uses that farmers and industrial companies use it for. More than 250,000 industrial sites rely on it for space heating, brazing, soldering, cutting, heat treating, annealing, vulcanizing, and many other uses. Petrochemical industries use propane in the manufacture of plastics.
Although propane fueled fireplaces and propane as an alternative home heating source is a somewhat newer concept, many are seeing the advantages it provides. As home heating methods by furnace continue to rise in price and continue to be bad for the environment, more and more people will look for other heating options. Thus far, propane gases show the most promise and benefit to homeowners.It also shows the most benefit, so far, for the safety of the environment, which is a growing concern for many.
A lot of Americans are already comfortable with the usage of propane gases in their barbeque uses. As the awareness of propane fueled fireplaces grows, it is likely that the usage will also. It is also likely that people will find even more uses for propane gases, pushing out more harmful of gases from the environment. Also, with an increase in demand, more suppliers will offer propane heating options, making them even more widely available and more cost effective.