This is the time of the year when spring migrations bring tourists from around the world. They come to see the sandhill cranes, the snow geese, and other migratory birds. If you are a property owner who is planning to plant spring crops, however, or if a gaggle of geese have taken up residence in your backyard, you can realize the kind of nuisance these birds can be. In fact, understanding how to get rid of geese in a humane way is an important part of making sure that you can maintain your property.
With the use of natural goose repellent, liquid goose repellent, and other deterrents it is possible to reclaim your property without harming the birds or disrupting their natural migration patterns.
Pest Control for Geese and Other Migratory Birds May be in Even Higher Demand After This Extremely Harsh Winter
The state wide pictures of the devastation caused by the flooding are everywhere. On social media. On the national news. In addition to these pictures, however, are another set of events that are caused by millions of migratory birds being displaced by large areas of standing water that are normally not there. As a result, there are many property owners trying to figure out how to get rid of geese from their yards and other areas that are not conducive to these large flocks. Leaving droppings that are a problem on local school playgrounds or parks, these geese can cause destruction if they are not redirected.
Fortunately, there are geese scare tactics that can help move these large, sometimes aggressive birds. Many times these problems are temporary as these birds are simply waiting for the right weather conditions to relocate to areas with more open water. Did you know, for instance, that geese can travel as many as 1,500 miles in 24 hours with a favorable wind? And while it is estimated that Ohio is home to 100,000 geese spread across all 88 counties, these birds can be found in many other states as well.