From pool resurfacing to pool renovations, owning a pool requires quite a good deal of upkeep for the typical home owner. Whether the pool is an inground one or one that is above ground, both types will require pool resurfacing after a number of years. For the average inground pool, it is likely that the pool liner will last no longer than twelve years – and sometimes as few as five, if it is not well taken care of – and after this time the process of pool resurfacing will become nothing if not necessary to keep the pool in good shape. In the typical above ground pool, only a decade of usage can be expected from the pool liner in place, after which, much as in the case of the inground pool, pool resurfacing must take place.
You must always be aware of the condition of your pool plaster as well, as this too will require some extent of pool resurfacing over the course of the years. Typically, you have about fifteen years before the surface of your pool becomes rough and aesthetically unappealing as a whole, with the plaster becoming etched and stained over the course of the years. Fortunately, the simple process of pool resurfacing can very much help to rectify this problem, with pool resurfacing bringing the surface of your pool back to its best possible quality.
As you own your pool, you might also decide to change it up over the years, a great project than simple pool resurfacing. For instance, the addition of a diving board is far from uncommon, as more than thirty five percent of all privately owned pools here in the United States have one. When adding in a diving board, however, you should keep in mind that the water of your pool will need to be deep enough in order to make diving safe. If this is not the case, you will either need to more seriously remodel your pool or instead choose to go without the diving board, as adding a diving board as is can all too easily lead to catastrophe and even death.
Aside from adding in a diving board, pool owners like you might choose to install fencing around the pool as well. This is typically not done for aesthetic reasons but instead for safety ones, as pools can pose a risk to young children who would otherwise have access to this pool. This fencing should be at least four sided, and should be self closing with self latching gates as well. It also should not be able to be directly accessed from the house, as this, in many ways, negates the purpose of the fencing – keeping young children out if they are not in the presence of a supervising adult.
But even with all of this maintenance like pool resurfacing to consider and even with all of the safety considerations that must also be made, having a pool is often still well worth it. After all, swimming is the fourth most popular sport among all people here in the United States and it is the number one most popular activity (especially during the summer months) for children who are at the age of seven or older. Swimming is a great way to cool off during the hot summer days and months while still allowing you to take in the beauties of the outdoors.
In addition to this, swimming is also a great way to get in some much needed exercise, as the resistance of the water is twenty times the resistance of air. According to doctors here in the United States, this makes swimming regularly a great way to improve your overall cardiovascular health. But swimming is also ideal for those with joint problems or issues with chronic pain, as the weightlessness of the water, even though there is more resistance when moving in it, takes much of the pressure off of tender joints, allowing those who struggle with conditions such as arthritis to have a much larger range of motion.
All in all, though a swimming pool comes with responsibility, it’s well worth the cost of owning one for the benefits that you get in return.