Remodeling Efforts Can Make Your Home Easier to Maintain

The bathroom remodeling was a huge blessing. As you get ready to clean the house after Father’s Day weekend company and prepare for a new round of guests this week, you are more than thankful that you and your husband were able to pay for the shower and tub remodeling, as well as a new floor, in the guest room. In the past, even the slightest bit of use would have required an hour of cleaning to even make the space presentable, and you still were always worried about someone having to use the space. Ever since the flooring company finished the last of the project, however, clean up has been almost effortless.
Kitchen and bathroom remodeling projects can make your life much easier. With new tile, new grout, and new flooring, for example, cleaning for yourselves or for guests can be a piece of cake. With new surfaces that are easier to maintain, you can enjoy the idea of having company come visit your home, even if the second set of guests shows up just a few days after the weekend guests leave.

Home Improvement Projects Add Both Beauty and Value to Your Property

If you are a property owner then you probably will not be surprised to know that the superficial changes that you make to your home like painting interior walls and buying new furniture add little to the value of your home. If, however, you invest the time and money and make an upgrade to a bathroom area, you can see as much as an 86.4% return on investment (ROI). More than four out of five home owners who are renovating indicate that they are replacing major bathroom features such as flooring, countertops, showers, and sinks. In addition, 30% of survey respondents indicated that they were expanding their shower size by 50% or more, according to the 2016 HOUZZ Bathroom Trends Study.

Likewise, even a minor kitchen remodel has an average ROI of 82.7%. As a result, 69% of all jobs requested were for kitchen remodeling, making it the second most popular request, according to a National Association of Home Builders survey. Not surprising, the only thing more popular was a bathroom remodel.

If you want to make sure that your home is looking its best for you and for company, a bathroom remodeling or kitchen update can help you achieve that goal, even when you need to make a fast turnout between one set of guests and the next round of company.

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