Different seasons call for different home maintenance projects to be done. This is because there are variations in things like the temperature and humidity in the air, making some seasons better for working on certain maintenance tasks than others. In the fall, there are a few projects that can help you secure your home this fall if you work on them. Have a look below to see an outline of 10 small construction projects that your home needs this fall in order to be cozy and comfortable for your family, with everything working as it should.
1. Maintain the HVAC or Replace it
The first item on this list of small construction projects that you should prioritize working on this fall concerns your HVAC. You should call an expert to perform HVAC service to it as is necessary so that it’s ready to handle your family’s needs in the fall. A local AC company can help you make sure that your unit is functioning at maximum efficiency, something that’s going to save you some money in terms of energy bills this fall. With the necessary service, your unit may experience fewer breakdowns as it won’t be working under stress.
IF you’ve recently serviced your unit, but you suspect that there may still be an issue, you can call a professional to carry out an indoor air quality assessment. This may be faster and cheaper for you to do than to actually perform full service on your HVAC. If there’s a major issue with the unit according to the professional who inspects it, they may recommend that you change it. This may be a result of the unit being severely damaged or having reached the end of its lifespan. In such cases, the best call is to look for a modern unit that will function more optimally and save you energy at the same time.
2. Deep Clean and Declutter
Another one of the best small construction projects that you should think about working on is getting your home clean. As the season begins, it’s a great idea for you to get rid of any dirt and debris that may have accumulated over the just-ended season. This will help you get your home in order and make sure that you don’t aggravate anyone’s allergy issues. When you have a clean home, you’ll also find it considerably easier to work on any other projects that you need to do. That’s because there won’t be a lot of clutter getting in the way while you work.
To make this project the most efficient, you can hire junk haulers to help you effectively get rid of things in your home that you don’t need or that don’t work. To get the best outcome, you can call a professional company to come and perform a deep cleaning of your home. They’re going to do a thorough job that’s sure to make it easy for you to maintain the new, clean condition of your home. This is an important project to work on because in the fall, you’re likely to spend a lot more of your time indoors.
3. Manage Water Damage
Water damage can leave you with a home that looks terrible and smells awful. This is in the event that it’s allowed to go on unchecked for a long time. In such an instance, you can expect that there will be a number of damaged elements in the house. These include things like ceiling boards, walls, carpets, and soft boards. With consistent humidity, you can expect that mold will also grow and could spread throughout the house. In this case, you can expect to have to work on a number of small construction projects, depending on the scope of damage that’s occurred.
To do these small construction projects, you’ll typically have to hire a professional to work on mold remediation services. These professionals will be well aware of the best way to handle mold so that it doesn’t spread. They’ll also dispose of any moldy material in the house and clean up the affected areas thoroughly, replacing anything that needs to be replaced. When checking for water damage and the presence of mold, it’s best to start in the basement because this is the most likely area to have high humidity, minimal ventilation, and leaks, which make up the recipe for mold development.
4. Upgrade the Front Door
You should also think about your home’s exterior doors when thinking of the small home projects that you need to work on. That’s because it impacts your home’s curb appeal and security as well. They need to have a proper seal between their frames and the walls so that they don’t allow air leakage to take place, driving your home’s energy bills up. That said, make sure that you call the right person for the job so that it’s done well.
If your front door is not worn out or damaged enough to warrant replacement, then you can simply paint it. Scrub it and then coat it with a fresh coat of paint that complements the rest of your home’s exterior. Pick a quality of paint that can also protect your door from damage from the weather. This way, you can lengthen its lifespan and avoid having to replace it in a shorter time than would have been necessary.
5. Unclog Your Drains
Don’t forget to add your drains to the items that you need to work on this fall. Clogged drains can cause you untold misery if you don’t handle them conclusively. This is the main reason why you need to add drain cleaning to your list of small construction projects to tackle this fall. While store-bought solutions can help you unclog a drain in a pinch, if you experience frequent clogs, this is a sign that you should think about talking to a professional. A drain cleaning company will have the necessary tools to make sure that the issue is handled safely and thoroughly.
Drain cleaning can also help you keep your home smelling fresh throughout because it will take care of any material that might be stuck somewhere in your drainage system. With cleaner drains, you also have a lower chance of ending up with damaged plumbing that may cost you time and money to fix. You may also end up having to look for a professional urgently, making it quite hard for you to do a thorough background check into the quality of the professionals that you end up hiring. That said, take any issues that may come up with your drain seriously so that you don’t end up with an emergency.
6. Maintain or Upgrade Your Water Heater
In the fall, your water heater may end up being put to task a lot more than it is in hotter seasons. This is the reason why servicing or replacing your hot water heater should be a priority in your list of small construction projects to work on this season. If it’s been experiencing many issues over time, this is one of the signs that it might have reached the end of its lifespan. In this case, replacing it will save you a headache and a lot of hassle.
Once your water heater has been worked on, you need to find out the necessary maintenance that you need to do to it. This is maintenance that should aim to keep it in good shape for a long time to come. A professional can help you figure out the details of care that need to be done. They should also help you know what some signs of danger are so that in case you notice them, you’ll call a professional to check your unit out as soon as possible.
7. Check Your Water Quality
The water quality that you use in your home should be of a high standard if you want to keep your family healthy. Quality water will also keep your family’s skin and hair clean and give them a natural glow. For this reason, it’s best that you test the status of the water that you use in your home frequently. Doing this is the best way for you to make sure that there are no pollutants and contaminants in the water. It will also inform you on whether you need to look for water softeners if you discover that it’s hard.
This is one of the small construction projects that may not take a lot of actual construction as it will require setting up a few necessary systems. You can easily find water softeners in your nearest store and add them to your water tank. Among other things, this is going to help reduce or even eliminate the occurrence of scum whenever you use soap and water to clean something. Soft water is also less likely to leave streaks and stains on surfaces and other things that you clean with it.
8. Clean Your Gutters
Your home’s gutters collect a lot of dirt over the season, so cleaning them should be one of the small construction projects that you do. You can call a professional to help you get the gutters in great shape safely and efficiently. While they clean your gutters and get rid of things like leaves and other debris, they should also inspect them. Signs of damage include having gaps and cracks between the gutters, and peeling paint and rust on their surfaces, which may mean that they’ve been compromised.
Clean gutters will function optimally and ensure that any humidity that falls on the roof is promptly drained off. It will be kept off of the roof, the walls, the foundation, and your driveway as well. This way, you can secure the condition of these other elements of your home and save money on repairs. It’s important that you make any repairs the moment they become necessary, otherwise, you may expose your house to more harm and damage.
9. Caulk the Doors and Windows
This may be the easiest task in the list of small construction projects to work on. It involves inspecting your home’s doors and windows. If you spot any gaps or cracks, apply caulk, which you can get from your nearest hardware store. This is such an easy task that you can get it done in a single afternoon and also work on other tasks at the same time. Failure to seal these small gaps and spaces could leave your home prone to penetration by moisture, which will damage your home without a doubt.
If the gaps in question are particularly large, or they keep recurring every single season, it’s a good idea to think about a more permanent solution. This may involve replacing the windows altogether, fixing the walls, or even checking the foundation. This is because a foundation that’s unstable will impact the walls and every element of construction on the walls as well. This should show you that staying vigilant with small home projects might save you a tidy sum and a major headache over time.
10. Protect Your Lawn
Finally, add lawn work to your list of small projects to do this fall so that you can give your lawn the chance to bounce back when the weather warms up again. Some of the measures that you should take to ensure that your lawn is secure include adding some mulch and fertilizer to them. Keep watering them for as long as possible, but don’t overdo it as this could cause them to rot when the soil gets waterlogged. With a lot of water in the soil, your plants also run the risk of freezing because the water will adjust to the cooler temperatures.
Once you do this, you need to get all your gardening tools and implements indoors. This is going to keep them safe from the harsh weather and ensure that they’re ready for use when the season warms up again. Disconnect all the water supply and store the hoses and pipes properly so that they don’t burst as a result of water freezing in them.
Once you work on all these projects, your home will be a lot safer and comfortable for you and your family. You could also work on a shower project and add frameless glass doors. Remember that no matter how small a project may seem, it can make a significant difference to your house.