Swimming is the 4th most popular sport or activity in the U.S. It is a common year round sport, but is most common throughout the summer months. If you have been contemplating getting a pool for your home, you will find that they offer many advantages, including exercise, entertainment, and an increase in your home?s value. However for the best experience, it is important that you consider the following pool installation and maintenance necessities.
Security fencing
You will also want to install security fencing around your new pool. In fact, your insurance company may even require this. It prevents neighboring children, or your own children, from falling into the pool. A fence keeps children out, unless a parent is present. It makes owning a pool safer. For maximum pool safety, install four sided isolation fencing, at least five feet high, equipped with self closing and self latching gates that completely surrounds the pool and prevents direct access from the house and yard. This security fencing will also improve your selling appeal, as buyers will expect some type of security around the home?s pool.
Appropriate depth
Pools come in many sizes and depths. While the length of the pool is not as important as the depth, you will want to choose a pool size that fits nicely in your backyard. If you have a deeper pool, make sure that the depths are easily readable. This will prevent those swimmers who are not comfortable with deeper water levels from entering that side of the pool. If you have small children, make sure they wear life preserving vests anytime they are near the pool.
Proper cleaning requirements
Pool water should be tested regularly to make sure it is clean and healthy, the pH scale is a measurement of acidity or alkalinity that runs from 0 to 14. A reading between 7.2 and 7.8 is ideal, this range is safe for swimmers and helps sanitizers work at top efficiency. Proper pool cleaning is extremely important. Otherwise, the water can become contaminated and unhealthy for swimming. For larger pools, you may want to hire a local pool cleaning service. It can take a lot of time and knowledge to effectively maintain the necessary levels of the pool. Swimming pool cleaning services save you money by cleaning it properly every time.
The need for opening and closing
If you live in a four season state, you may also have to pay to have your pool opened and closed. Closing the pool means that you are removing the water, covering it, and winterizing it. Opening your pool means that you are dewinterizing it, thoroughly cleaning it, and then refilling it. You may find that you require pool repairs during the opening season. The liner could crack over the winter, as the ice minimizes and then expands the pools liner so many times. However, if you schedule a professional pool cleaning and pool service upon closing, chances are your pool will be properly stored.
Helpful pool accessories
Fortunately, there are many pool accessories that will help you to maintain your pool. You can invest in a solar cover that will heat the temperature of the pool water consistent. You can also purchase an advanced filter, which will filter out a lot of the debris between pool cleanings. Pool covers can also add a level of security to your pool, by making it difficult for young children to get the pool off for usage. Utilize these pool accessories to your benefit and increase the enjoyment of your pool ownership.
Swimming is the most popular recreational activity for children and teens ages 7 to 17 in the U.S. Owning your own pool in your backyard can provide you with a lot of use and enjoyment, as long as it is properly cared for. You will want to install a security fence around the pool, schedule regular cleanings, properly open and close your pool every year, and utilize pool accessories to make pool ownership easier.