You may be familiar with the American Museum of Natural History. It?s a well known entity in its own right, being one of New York City?s most famous educational attractions. On top of that, though, it was also home to the popular ?Night at the Museum? movies starring Ben Stiller and other beloved actors.
This museum may not have real life dinosaurs and exhibits normally. However, the museum is currently investing millions of dollars in new digital technology. This includes a whopping $325 million earmarked for a science center close to Central Park.
Ellen Futter, the AMNH’s president, has been in charge for over 20 years now. Back in the 90s, she realized a lot of changes had to be made and helped to bring the museum more fully into the current century.
?When I first got there, I was worried about getting the museum air conditioned,? she explained to CNBC, showing just how much updating the museum was badly in need of at the time. The museum now has WiFi, air conditioning, digital technology to accompany the exhibits, and more. The museum now has an app, Explorer, which helps visitors navigate the museum, which has about 1.6 million sq. feet of exhibits these days. More people visit than ever before, with annual crowds of nearly 5 million visitors.
The museum recently used 3D printing to mount a display of 122-foot long Titanosaur. The dinosaur, equivalent in weight (while alive) to nearly 10 elephants, was too heavy a skeleton to be mounted the traditional ways. Instead, 3D technology allowed researchers to make a replica out of fiberglass.
What?s in the museum?s future? Futter hopes that the new science building will have a theater, complete with air conditioners, that explores the invisible parts of the world, such as the bottom of the ocean floor or the inside of a human brain. This complex will reach completion in 2020 by current estimates.
When places like a museum need air conditioning repair Clearwater, there?s a lot more to it than there would be for a home or small business. The bill for this type of service can reach into the thousands of dollars — even hundreds of thousands, if a complete overhaul is required. Whether you?re the American Museum of Natural History, or a homeowner with a 20 year old home, AC maintenance is important for this reason. Dinosaurs may have gone extinct — but your air conditioners don’t need to follow suit!