The Best Siding and Roofing Materials to Protect the Home and Exterior Paint as Maintenance

The exterior of any home requires a great deal of protection, with siding being the most common form of exterior covering. There are at least 15 different types of siding that you can choose from when constructing or updating your home.

The Use of Siding

A siding and roofing company is very concerned with the external protection of your home, while the updating of both roofing and siding is essential after certain periods. While aluminum and vinyl siding are able to be installed quite easily and take less maintenance and work, there is also some benefit to cedar or another wood siding. It has been shown that with proper maintenance that cedar siding can last up to 25 years. This could include the use of fresh exterior paint or stain every three to seven years.

Note that it is important to have your siding up to date, as this protects your home as a whole from storm damage like wind, hail, and other falling items at these times. Unfortunately, with these storms, especially if you live in a highly storm-ridden area, metal or vinyl siding can be easily damaged and need on a regular basis. With cedar and another wood siding, there is a bit more strength to handle the items that are thrown at it during a storm, including twigs and limbs from surrounding trees. This would only leave the need for a fresh coat of exterior paint every few years in order to reach that full 25 years of life.

The Most Popular Siding

It is important to know that the most popular types of siding include cedar, fiber cement, and vinyl. While most types of siding are made to withstand winds up to 110 miles per hour, there is always the chance for siding damage or destruction. When the need for replacement comes along, there is also the potential for additional portions of the outside of the home to be repaired, most specifically the roof.

Roof Installation

With the other external portion of the home that requires quality products and installation being the roof, there is much to gain from either a new roof or partial roof repair when damage occurs after a storm or overall wear and tear. Roofing products can often be determined of the highest quality based on the area where you are located, and the amount of strength that will be needed from the material they are made from. Some areas work best with metal roofing, other with slate tiles, and some with standard shingles.

With all of these different inclusions on the exterior covering of the home, there is much to determine with the best siding or roofing for your home. There is much to question in order to decide the right time to purchase a new roof installation or new siding installation, especially when there could be a small repair, such as a fresh coat of exterior paint, or replacement made instead. It may take time and your home is at risk along with the potential of overspending on something if it is more than what you actually need.

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