When you own a home or even if you just live in an apartment, you are going to want to change and freshen up the decor every now and then. There are a number of ways to do so, but some can be much more expensive than others. If you don’t want to spend a whole lot of money or if you live in a rental property that doesn’t allow you to make big changes, there are a few things you can do that can make a big impact without costing you a lot of money or requiring a lot of work.
One of the best ways to change up the look of your living space is with a change in window treatments. Curtains that are a different color will give you a big change. If you want a more modern and updated look, you can go with blinds. In addition to changing your look, curtains and other window treatments also have a practical application. For example, curtains or drapes can help to reduce heat loss in your home in the winter by up to 10%. In the summer, curtains can do even better, reducing heat gain in your home by up to 33%.
Another way you can change the look in your home is to change the wall hangings. This can involve changing the pictures or other items you have hanging on your walls, or reducing or increasing the amount you have. Changing the colors in your wall hangings can make a very big difference will little effort.
If you want to spend a little more money and don’t mind a little more effort, changing out fixtures in your home can help you to get a very different look. The easiest fixtures to change out are drawer pulls and cabinet handles. You can do these items yourself. Changing light fixtures and plumbing fixtures can also make a big impact, but these are more work, and you may have to hire a professional to do the work.
One additional simple thing you can do to change your home’s look without a lot of work and expense is to put slipcovers on your furniture. Not only can this give you a different look, it can also help to cover up worn furniture that has passed its heydays.
Whether you choose to change draperies, fixtures, pictures or some other item in your home, there are a number of ways to change up the look of your interior without spending a lot of money or having to do a lot of work.