Building Your Own Computer? Here Are the Tools You Need to Know About

Small rubber grommets

Did you know that, according to NPD research, purchasing a new Windows laptop costs approximately $700? The average new Macbook costs more than $1,500! It is no wonder that alternatives, such as building your own desktop or laptop computers, are becoming increasingly popular. Building PCs without the proper protective fixtures and tools, however, can be extremely costly in the long-run. What simple tools and equipment do you need to put together a PC?

Rubber Grommets and Plastic Cable Glands

Constructing your own PC, and doing it safely and correctly, depends on keeping internal and external wiring intact and reliably connected to various electrical parts. For example, rubber grommets are circular or oblong fixtures used to protect wiring from jagged metal pieces, or sometimes even sharp corners and edges. Technicians or computer-savvy enthusiasts can feed wiring and cables through large or small rubber grommets to prevent damage, fraying, and wear. PC grommets can also help reduce vibrations and excessive noise from internal mechanisms, such as cooling fans.

Similarly, cable glands fit over the tops of cords, cables, and wiring, and allow consumers to safely connect them to various equipment and electronics. Cable glands may be made out of non-metallic materials, such as nylon, or metallic materials, such as aluminum. Some nylon or plastic cable glands may even be liquid-tight, and prevent liquids and condensation from damaging wires at entry points or connecting points. Installation is fairly simple and may be done by hand, making them ideal for PC building or DIY applications.

Plastic Standoffs

Finally, without the right insulation and necessary separation of electrical parts, computer systems will overheat. Many will also fry, or, in other words, become especially susceptible to electrical shorts. PC builders can easily avoid this problem by raising or elevating the motherboard from other PC or laptop components using metal or plastic standoffs.

Building your own computer or laptop can save you a considerable amount of money. Keep personal PCs safe and functional by using select protective tools and fixtures, including grommets, cable glands, and standoffs, while building your own computer. See this reference for more.

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